'Abdu'l-Bahá in France, 1911-1913

Abdu’l-Bahá en France en anglais est une chronique historique et détaillée des neufs mois que le Maître passa en France, rapportant, ses déplacements, ses conversations privées et ses discours publics. Cet ou­vrage richement documenté restitue au plus près la mémoire de cet événement unique notamment à travers les articles de presse de l’époque et les nombreux témoignages touchants qui nous sont par­venus.

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During 1911 and 1913, into the giddy frivolity of Paris life, boldly stepped the Persian spiritual philosopher and head of the Baha’i world community, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá; as the ‘Belle époque’ with its flamboyant artistic life closed its curtains and the clouds of war gathered, he carried into that country a new vision and light that would draw people forward along the paths of morality and spiritual awareness.
Men and women from all walks of life - artists, writers, politicians, journalists, philosophers, theologians, diplomats, teachers, musicians, lawyers, scientists, the poor and those who worked among them - all were privileged to be inspired by this peerless soul and leam the secret of a life devoted to a better world ‘Abdul-Bahá in France is a thorough chronicle of those nine precious months spent in France, conveying ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s daily tasks and joumeys, private conversations and public talks day by day through contemporary accounts. The people he encountered, newspaper articles and touching memoirs that were written are all quoted and described, with références. ‘Abdul-Bahá's message of love for all and of the spiritual reality of the human soul shine through in the pages you will read in this book.


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Editions Bahá'íes France - Paris
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